THANK YOU for your interest to invest in your kidpreneur!
STEP 1: We would like the opportunity to get to know you and your kidpreneur! Please fill out this form, then let’s schedule a few minutes on the phone to discuss if this program is really for you and your kidpreneur! It is very important to us that your Teen/Pre-Teen is set up for the success!
1. What's your first name?*
2. What's your last name?*
3. What is your kidpreneur's first name?*
4. What is his/her Date of Birth?*
5. Do you have other kids?*
6. Please list their names and ages too please.*
7. What's your email address?*
8. And your telephone number?*
9. How about what you do for a living?*
10. How did you hear about eCommerce Kids?*
11. Are you close to any of the following eK Location?*
12. What are your life goals? Your kidpreneur's life goals?*
13. What would you like to accomplish through this program?*
14. Rate your experience in eCommerce. (1 - no experience at all to 5 - have multiple ebusinesses)*
15. How about your experience with sales, finances, entrepreneurship, online sales, etc?*
16. Have you or your kidpreneur ever sold products before?*
17. RATE your child/children's interests in entrepreneurship? (1 - no idea to 5 - natural entrepreneur)*
18. What does your child/children want to gain from eCommerce Kids? What are they excited to learn?*
19. What does your family do for fun?*
20. What is Teen / Pre-Teen's favorite beverage?*
21. What else would you like us to know about you and your family?*